
15 July to 11 August 2024- Saint Antonin Noble Val (82)

47 salon d'art contemporain


13 to 16 June 2024- Art Expo - Basel


From May to September: Credit Mutuel Bank Agency - Blagnac

Individual and proximity exhibition. Thematic: holidays


25 to 29 May - Bouloc (31) - 9ème cuvée d'artistes


From April to June 2024 - exhibition in the restaurant "Chez Hélène" in Theminettes, Lot, France

Due to the proximity of black triangle of Causses du Quercy (no light pollution), thematic is sky and space. 6 canvas on this thematic


10 to 30 April 2024- Biennale Artbox Expo - Venezia - Cipriarte Gallery


16 to 23 March 2024 - Castelnau d'Estretefonds (31) - 12 ème salon du printemps des Arts


6 to 10 December 2023 - Miami - Art Expo


18 to 26 November 2023 - Fronton - Salon des Arts automnale


15 to 18 June 2023 - Basel - Euroairport Basel Artexpo


1 to 31 May 2023 - Berlin - Finite Gallery


1st to 30 April 2023 - Miami - Artboxy Johnathan Schultz Gallery 


17 to 26 April 2023 - New York - Artboxy NY Art expo


14 to 28 April 2023 - Toulouse - 15eme salon de Printemps des artistes occitans


15 April to 23 April - L'Union (31) - Salon des Arts plastiques


1st to 10 April 2023 - Leguevin (31) - 25ème salon peinture et sculpture


From February to June 2023 - exhibition in the restaurant "Chez Hélène" in Theminettes, Lot, France

Due to the proximity of black triangle of Causses du Quercy (no light pollution), thematic is sky and space. 5 canvas on this thematic.


16 October 2022 - Toulouse (31)

Journée des Ateliers d'Artistes d'Occitanie organized by the Occitanie region

Visit of my artist studio, 36 Avenue Jean Rieux, Toulouse


29 September - 9 October 2022 - Colomiers (31) - Salon d'Automne


14 May - 24 May 2022 - L'Union (31) - Salon des Arts plastiques


9 February - 12 May 2022 - Bagnères-de-Luchon

Gallery of EDF hydroelectric unit of Lake Oô. 8 canvas linked to mountains and water.

Contact: Tourism office 05 61 79 21 21


October 2021- SAINT SIMON ( LOT)

Salle des fêtes de St Simon (Lot) pour la manifestation «  Le jour de la nuit 2021 » 

12 September - 30 October 2021 - ART BORDABLE

110 bis, avenue Jean Rieux, Toulouse, France


24 May - 25 June 2021- AIRBUS DEFENCE and SPACE - Comité d'entreprise

Avenue des Cosmonautes, Toulouse


2021 - COVID 19 INITIATIVE: « an artwork at home »

Based on the initiative of the french painter Olivier Masmonteil
Due to museum closure, painting is moving to your home.

Painting lending to newsletter subscribers up to mid May (YW_38)

The person chose the one he wanted among the canvases of my site.


January to May 2020 - ART BORDABLE

110 bis, avenue Jean Rieux, Toulouse, France


28 février au 4 mars 2020 - SALON 2020 ARTS et CREATION - St ALBAN